Get a Grip on the Energy Consumption of Petrol stations

Valopaa LED luminaires are an outstanding choice for petrol station lighting. LED lighting decreases energy costs and creates pleasant customer experiences. Our solutions are equally suitable to brand new and older petrol stations.  The lighting solutions have been developed in close cooperation with petrol station chains and contractors.
Particularly the intelligent LED lighting systems provide plenty of advantages to petrol station lighting. Intelligent systems can be set up to control the fuel meters, and also the yard, the canopies, the car wash and service halls.

The Valopaa Intelligent LED Lighting System adjusts the lighting level at the fuel meters field according to customer stream and the surrounding circumstances. E.g. here in the north, the lighting level is higher during the dark and rainy autumn than during the winter, when the ground is covered with white snow, reflecting the light. The system is also detects movement in the area. The lighting is dim when there is no movement, however, as a person or vehicle enters the area, the lights brighten up.

A remote control system can set the desired lighting levels, and the duration and intervals of changes. The luminaires can also be controlled in groups, e.g. according to driving lanes

Valopaa petrol station luminaires:

  • Energy savings typically 50% compared to metal halide luminaires
  • Intelligent control can increase the energy savings up to 80%
  • The Valopaa LED luminaires lifespan is typically over 30 years in outdoor usage
  • Covers up old recess slots nicely – several sizes available for the front panel of the recessed luminaire
  • Good for CCTV cameras – improved colour rendering, the optics direct the light straight to ground, not towards the camera

