Our values are the foundation of our quality and environmental policy

We develop our products and services with the needs of our customers in mind. Our mission is to provide our customers with a functional solution to their lighting needs. We are committed to continuously developing our operations.
The people behind Valopaa products are highly skilled experts. We work in a flexible, reliable manner and we listen carefully to our customers.
We comply with applicable environmental and product legislation in all our operations and products. We decrease our environmental load in a systematic and goal-oriented way. Our products are sustainable. The luminaire structure is modular and can be opened to ensure that a broken part is easy to replace. The electrical and technical safety of all our luminaires is tested before delivery. Valopaa products are designed and manufactured in Finland.

The greatest positive environmental impact of our products is their high energy efficiency. An intelligent control system improves the energy efficiency of lighting. Wireless control technology allows us to build an energy-efficient lighting system, even in renovation projects.
In order to minimise environmental load, our research and development pays attention to the entire lifespan of a luminaire, from efficient commissioning to long service life, easy maintenance and repair and, finally, recyclability. Our products do not contain environmentally hazardous substances. Our intelligent products can be updated and they can accommodate the retrospective installation of new features and properties.

The Valopaa management system has been audited and certified by SGS. The management system meets the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.